Submit Scripts
Submit scripts are simply bash scripts that tell the SLURM scheduler what your job requires in order to run efficiently. The #SBATCH
lines are not comments as they are commonly in bash scripts. #SBATCH
is interpreted by sbatch to allocate and set various parameters. If you put a space after the ‘#’ symbol, it will become a comment as expected.
A job needs to be submitted to the queue – but there are a few different queues that we call “partitions.” Partitions are groups of nodes that are separated by resource configurations intended for different types of usage. Submit to the debug partition for very short jobs and for general testing.
Partition Name | Number of Nodes | Time Limit | Cores | Threads | Memory |
debug* | 1 | 2 hours | 24 | 48 (2 threads per core) | 128 GB |
short | 3 | 2 days | 24 | 48 (2 threads per core) | 128 GB |
long | 9 | 8 days | 24 | 48 (2 threads per core) | 128 GB |
* default partition. If no partition is specified, your job will be submitted to the ‘debug’ partition
Submit a basic R job
Example of
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL # send us an email about all events
#SBATCH --mail-user=[username]
# SBATCH this is a comment
#SBATCH -J job_name # give the job a name
#SBATCH -t 240:00:00 # run this simulation for 5 days (HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS)
#SBATCH -p long # send this job to the long partition since we want it to run more than 4 days
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=500M
# Load R version 3.4.3
module load R/R-3.4.3
# Run our R program myjob.R which resides in /workspace/[username]/
R CMD BATCH --no-save myjob.R myjob.out
A job is submitted using the sbatch
[user@lunchbox] (44)$ sbatch