Affiliated Programs

Collaborations with other Departments

One of the strengths of our department is to foster collaborative research at the interface of statistics.  Departments Statistics faculty is affiliated with include Botany, Computer Sciences, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Mathematics.

@ Data Science @ UW

data science @ uw Connects people with data science research, education, and collaboration at UW-Madison.

American Family Insurance Data Science Institute

The American Family Insurance Data Science Institute (DSI)e is committed to advancing discovery that benefits society through cross-disciplinary collaboration. The mission of DSI is to perform cutting-edge research in the fundamentals of data science, to translate emerging data science methods into practice by partnering with key application areas, and to collaborate with researchers in domains across the UW-Madison campus to advance discovery enabled by data science.

Data Science Hub

The Data Science Hub hosts training to help researchers learn the skills they need to reproducibly write software and analyze data. For more information about these workshops and others offered elsewhere on campus, click here.

Machine Learning Community

Machine Learning Community: bringing together machine learning (ML) practitioners across a variety of departments and disciplines, providing a space for both novice and experienced ML practitioners to advance their ML skillsets, share knowledge and resources, and form collaborations. The ML community includes many collaborative groups, including the Machine Learning for Medical Imaging (ML4MI) Initiative, Machines, Algorithms and Data (MAD) Lab, and the Machine Learning and Optimization Research (MOR) Consortium.


At UW-Madison, biometry refers to the development and application of statistical methods for the biological, physical, and social sciences primarily in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS). The faculty members in Biometry have joint appointments in the Department of Statistics and another department. The program also includes staff members and project assistants in the CALS Statistical Consulting Lab. Students who are interested in the M.S. in Biometry and the Ph.D. in a biological science can find more information in the GUIDE and on the Academics -> Biometry page.

Biostatistics & Medical Informatics (BMI)

The rapidly growing availability and importance of biomedical data, including electronic medical records (EHR), biomedical imaging, and genomics/proteomics/metabolomics, pose unique opportunities and raise the demand for novel research that focuses on improving the understanding of the mechanisms of disease with important applications to human health. The key areas of inquiry of BMI faculty lie in clinical biostatistics, statistical genetics and genomics, bioinformatics, image analysis, clinical informatics, and population health biostatistics. More information about BMI research and admission processes for the PhD in Biomedical Data Science program can be found on the BMI website.

Institute for Foundations of Data Science (IFDS)

During the past decade, researchers across campus have done important work in diverse aspects of fundamental data science, as well as in applications to numerous areas of domain science, engineering, and medicine. This group forms the core of the Institute for Foundations of Data Science (IFDS) at UW-Madison. For more information, please visit the IFDS website.