José Ramírez, Amgen Inc PDF
Brian Yandell , University of Wisconsin-Madison PDF
Michael Schuler PDF
Claire Box PDF1 PDF2
Screening Experimental Designs with Maximally Balanced Projections
Tim Kramer, Eli Lilly and Company PDF
How George Box has Shaped my Work as Data Scientist
Treatment of Visual Loss and the Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury
Johannes Ledolter, University of Iowa PDF
George Box’s Contributions to Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
Greta Ljung, Independent Consultant PDF
Do We Need Transformations?
José Ramírez, Amgen Inc PDF
Errors and Uncertainty in Designed Experiments
Joanne Wendelberger, Los Alamos National Laboratory PDF
Lunches with George
Conrad Fung, Independent Consultant PDF
George Box, Bill Hunter and Madison, Wisconsin
John Hunter, CuriousCat.com PDF
Grandpa Pel, My Teacher
Andrew Murtha, Computer Science and Microbiology, University of British Columbia-Vancouver PDF
Mac and Friends, Joyful Celebrations
Mac Berthoux, University of Wisconsin-Madison PDF
Closing Remarks PDF
Claire Box
José Ramírez, Amgen Inc

Author-Editor Relationship

Bovas Abraham

Mark J Anderson

Mac Berthouex

Doug Bates

Kent Lesandrini

Kevin Little

Rich Johnson

Grace Wahba

Jun Zhu and José Ramírez

John Hunter

Fernando and José

Fernando, Claire and José

Andy, Claire, José and Joan

Claire and Joan

Conrad in memory lane...

Tim Kramer and Conrad Fung rehearsing their roles

José helping Dr. Yépez

Joan Fisher and Judith Hunter

Conrad keeps an eye while José helps Kevin

Getting ready for the skit

Bovas, Joan, and Helen

Joan Fisher and José Ramírez

Brian and Joanne enjoying birthday cake

Claire, Andy, Tom, Helen and Charles

Get your phones ready

Kent Lesandrini and John Hunter

Johannes Ledolter and Bob Wardrop

Tim Kramer and Joanne Wendelberger

Claire, Helen, Tom and Andy

Brian Yandell and Tim Kramer

Lunch is served!

Doug Bates and Kevin Little

Pel's awards and memories

Mark Anderson

Bob Wardrop and friends


Nicholas Keuler

Helen Box, Judith Huneter, and Sue Berthouex

Annamma and Bovas Abraham, Claire Box

Claire Box and Great Ljung

Michael Schuler, Brian Yandell and Joanne Wendelberger


Fernando Yépez and Charles Liedtke

Nancy, Laura and Alissa

Helen Box registering for the conference

Tom and Andy Murtha

Joanne Wendelberger and Bob Wardrop

Claire Box and Bob Wardrop

Claire Box

Pel's Cap and Gowns

Setting up

Group Picture

Blowing out the birthday candles

100 Years