Statistical Consulting Signup Please plan ahead, and read our policies & procedures. Statistical Consulting request form HiddenNext Steps: Sync an Email Add-OnTo get the most out of your form, we suggest that you sync this form with an email add-on. To learn more about your email add-on options, visit the following page ( Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form.Your Name(Required) First Last Your Email Address(Required) Status(Required)Please choose from below...FacultyStaffPostdocPhD StudentMS StudentUndergraduate StudentOtherSchool or College - e.g. L&S, CALS, etc.(Required) Department or Center(Required) Are you a Principal Investigator (PI) or co-PI for this project?(Required)NoYesPrimary advisor or PI name(Required) If you have multiple advisors, please indicate the person with whom you are working most closely, on the project for which you are requesting assistance.Primary advisor or PI email(Required) A copy of this form will be sent to you and your advisor.Description of assistance needed. Being as specific as possible will help us connect you to the right statistician.(Required)You should receive an immediate auto reply acknowledging your request. You will then be assigned a statistician within 2 to 3 business days. How did you hear about us?(Required)Please choose from below...from my advisorfrom group / lab membersword of mouth from outside my research groupwebsiteI have collaborated with the Statistical Consulting Group beforeotherother: By submitting this request, you agree to acknowledge assistance from the Statistical Consulting Group in resulting publications, as follows:(Required)By collaborating with the Statistical Consulting Group from the department of Statistics at UW-Madison, I agree to acknowledge the assistance I will receive, either in the form of co-authorship in rare cases, or in the acknowledgment section of any resultant publication by including the appropriate statement such as: "We thank [name of statistician] from the Statistical Consulting group at the University of Wisconsin – Madison for assistance in the [design/analysis/visualization] of [project/section/experiment]." I agreePhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.