Statistical Consulting Group: annual report

Annual report: 4/1/2023 – 3/31/2024

Who we are

We are part of the Department of Statistics in L&S
We provide UW faculty, staff, and students with assistance in all statistical aspects of research, from project design through publication.

  • Director: Cécile Ané, Professor, Statistics & Botany
  • Manager: Nicholas Keuler, Academic Staff, Statistics
  • Project Assistants (Statistics graduate students)
    • 1.25 FTE average; PAs had 17%-50% appointments, varying across semesters
    • N. Aviles, C. Breen, E. Gorstein, M. Harding, S. Holmes, A. Kokandakar, M. Liou, S. Moen

Thanks to funding by: CALS, L&S, the Primate Research Center (WNPRC), and the Department of Medical Sciences in the School of Veterinary Medicine

Who we served

We served a total of 23 departments / units, 207 clients, 107 PIs, in 768 meetings

Number of meetings, unique clients and unique PIs

College # meetings # clients # PIs
CALS 662 170 84
Other 106 37 23

Number of meetings with CALS departments and PIs

Department # meetings # clients # PIs
Agricultural & Applied Economics 1 1 1
Animal & Dairy Science 67 22 17
Bacteriology 35 11 4
Biological Systems Engineering 44 16 6
Entomology 58 10 4
Forest & Wildlife Ecology 63 12 7
Food Science 53 12 4
Genetics 10 3 2
Life Sciences Communication 21 4 2
Nutritional Sciences 40 7 5
Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems 4 2 1
Wisconsin Crop Innovation Center 1 1 1
Plant & Agroecosystem Sciences 119 33 14
Plant Pathology 92 20 8
Soil Science 54 16 8

While we served many units and PIs in CALS, we note that several units in CALS are not represented, and some units are represented by a small fraction of their PIs.
Our goal for next year is to asses unmet needs, and advertise our services to PIs and units who do not know about what we offer.

Client feedback

High satisfaction

  • We were perceived very highly, with 96% researcher satisfaction overall (“agreed” or “strongly agreed”).
  • 93% researchers view our contributions as “critical” or “very valuable” to their research.
  • 89% researchers indicated they would probably or definitely need further collaboration in the future.
client feedback performance survey
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