2020-2021 CDIS UG Chancellor Awards

wdt_ID Recipient Major Advisor Project
1 Shu Liu Computer Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics Aditya Akella HyperAPX: Leveraging Approximation for Fast Hyperparameter Mathematics, Statistics Exploration
2 Qianyun (Lexi) Luo Biochemistry, Statistics Randall Kimple Cell Culture Medium Glucose Concentration and its Implications in Cancer Research
3 Gefei Song Biology, Statistics Qiongshi Lu Dissecting Characteristic of Rank Based Inverse Normal Transformationin vQTL Study
4 Samiha Bhushan Economics, Statistics Devin Judge-Lord Are Rulemaking Institutions More Partisan in Financial Regulation?: The Impact of Elected Officials in the Agency Rulemaking Process
5 Allison Czora Genetics and Genomics, Statistics Robert Landick The Role of CarD in Transcription Initiation in Zymomonas mobili
6 Cameron Jones Statistics Jennifer Dykema Analyzing the Relationship Between Trust in Medical Researchers, Race and Ethnicity, Self-Reported Health Factors, and Biomarker Research Participation
7 Donelson Berger Computer Sciences Matthew Banks The Organization of Auditory Processing Streams in the Human Brain
8 Ayush Kumar Computer Sciences Kaiping Chen Understanding Public Risk Perception of COVID-19 and Mobility Patterns with Twitter Data
9 Miriam Lebowitz Computer Sciences, Psychology Maryellen MacDonald Will Skills Acquired through Speaking Practice Transfer to Listening Psychology Practice in Second Language Learning?
10 Heqiao Zhu Computer Sciences, Physics Kevin Eliceiri Quantitative Software for Characterizing Cell and Tumor Microenvironment Interactions
11 Yuren Sun Computer Sciences, Economics, Mathematics Zuzana Burivalova Rainforest Stethoscope: Species Classification with Machine Learning Economics, Mathematics Based on Acoustic Signal
12 Sherry Wong Computer Sciences Ellen Zweibe Cosmic Ray and Magnetically Driven Bubbles in Galaxies
13 Zheng Ma Data Science, Economics, Mathematics, Political Science Yoshiko Herrera Social Mobility and Nationalism in China
Recipient Major Advisor Project