Consider using OneNote as an alternative to the whiteboard feature on BB Collaborate Ultra. BB’s whiteboard has a number of downsides: it is relatively small, you cannot save individual whiteboards or have multiple open at once, you cannot erase individual markings (only the entire whiteboard at once).
OneNote is a part of the Microsoft Office Suite, and you might already have it installed without knowing it. If you do not already have OneNote, you can get it through the Campus Software Library ( Select “Office for Personally-Owned Computers.” You will have to use the Office 365 (online) version if you access it through the Software Library, but it still has all of the features described here.
Pros of OneNote: Finer drawings; You can erase individual parts, edit your work later to add guidance (e.g., adding space between two steps in an equation to type in an explanation), save your work as pdf for upload to Canvas, numerous ease-of-use and other features (e.g., organizing and labeling different sets of notes, adding formulas and symbols).
Cons: External app. Unlike BB’s whiteboard, students cannot write on your OneNote.